The three-dimensional design of all kinds of clothes.One of the design benefits of CLO Standalone 5 is the ability to display three-dimensional clothing in tons of different mannequins so that the designer quickly changes his desired clothes and with one click sees the result on the desired mannequin and this cycle Repeat it long enough to get the end result. In you can easily do all the steps of designing clothes from basic pattern design to sewing and dyeing and changing the material of the garment and finally adjusting the size and color and so on.

In the apparel industry, designing new models for clothing and meeting customer demand and diversifying is also considered to be one of the products that CLO 5 has become a customer of. Nowadays, computers play a prominent role in the industry, and different industries use a variety of computer techniques and techniques to increase the quality and quantity of their products. CLO Standalone is a powerful software for the 3D design of clothing and apparel.